NATDA Magazine Jan/Feb 2020 NM_Jan2020_FINAL_011620 | Page 11

2019 Trailer for a Cause Auction Winner Announced Dan Zehnder of New Berlin, WS placed the winning bid of $4,500 on an FT-3 drop-deck utility trailer to benefit Children’s Cancer Research Fund (CCRF). Felling Trailers, Inc. hosted the annual auction. When asked what motivated him to bid on the trailer, Dan said, “I believe opportunities like this provide each of us a chance to be generous and give thanks for the blessings in our lives as we share with others.” He added, “and I could use a new light-duty trailer! I’ll give it a good home.” The 2019 Trailer for a Cause FT-3 utility trailer was painted in Children’s Cancer Research Fund’s signature grey color and donned the CCRF emblem. Several Felling Trailers’ suppliers joined in to support Children’s Cancer Research Fund through sponsorship of the trailer build. The 2019 Trailer for a Cause sponsors were Trans- Texas, PPG Industries, Inc., Dexter, Sealco, Peterson, Industrial Wood Technology and Demco. Felling Trailers wanted to generate awareness about childhood cancer along with the research funding and resources that the Children’s Cancer Research Fund has to offer those individuals and families it affects. 100% of the $4,500 winning bid benefits the Children’s Cancer Research Fund. Children’s Cancer Research Fund invests in groundbreaking research that is leading to better treatments and cures for children with cancer. It also funds vital family support services and advocates for childhood cancer education and awareness. Since 1981, Children’s Cancer Research Fund donors have helped fund research that has revolutionized the way childhood cancer is treated worldwide. Children’s Cancer Research Fund is a national nonprofit and thanks to donors and partners around the country, has contributed $170 million to research education and awareness and quality- of-life programs for childhood cancer families. It believes kids deserve safer, less toxic treatments and is committed to funding groundbreaking research and services that enhance healing and care. For more information, please visit NATDA Magazine 11