Sathirut Nui Tandanand
ARCASIA President 2015-2016
On Behalf of the Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA), I wish to congratulate United Architects of the
Philippines (UAP) on your annual UAP National Convention 2015 with a theme "Empowering Architects Towards
ASEAN Integration".
UAP has been a leading architectural associations by providing support, nurturing, and education Filipino
architects to have a strong foundation and elevate the quality of professional services. With this year's theme
"Empowering Architects Toward ASEAN Integration", UAP have taken the initiative to lead architects not only in
Philippines but also in the SE Asia Region.
I commend this initiative by UAP to be in the forefront of ASEAN Integration and as President of ARCASIA, I
wish to pledge our support to provide any assistance UAP may require to achieving your goals as a leader in the
new emerging ASEAN Economy.
I wish UAP great success in the upcoming National Convention 2015 and all your future endeavors. Once
again, congratulations UAP for your leadership in our profession.