Natcon Directory | Page 15

MESSAGES Fidel Jose R. Siapno, fuap, asean ar. PRC, Board of Architecture Member As the United Architects of the Philippines, the only Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects celebrate its 41st National Convention with its theme: “Empowering Architects Towards ASEAN Integration”, allow me to extend my heart-felt greetings and wish everyone all the best for a successful and productive gathering. As we brace ourselves for the integration of our counter-parts from the different ASEAN countries, we must always remember that we are at par with our neighbors. Thus, we should welcome our fellow Architects and be equally bold to venture into other shores. Let us all work together and look forward to a reach-beyond-borders for a better global practice. My sincere congratulations to all those involved in organizing this victorious convention. I encourage your active participation in all the activities that has been carefully prepared by this year’s various committees. 13