Natal Nomads Golf Newsletter August 2021 | Page 6


Vodacom of origins winner Louis Albertse , winning on a score of -9 at mount Edgecombe golf course , sharing a moment with NATAL NOMADS members who volunteered their time and effort to help contribute to the furtherance of golf . This tournament was unique as it was uncomfortable , due to differing weather conditions on each of the 3 days - miserable cold and wet conditions on day 1 , windy on day 2 , and hot clear conditions for the final day .
Natal nomads clockwise - Stephen Mclelland , Garth Enslin , Chad Walters , Neil Cairns , Ian Brewer , John Elliott ( co ordinator ) Gavin Brown , Mark Wobbly , John Cole , Ian Pace , Justin Ackerman , Andre Conradie and Arnie Neveling .
Nomads Not in the pic , due to time constraints our stalwart members Greg Graham , Richard Eslick and Maurice Chelin
A SPECIAL mention to recent inductees , PIETER NEETHLING and KEVIN MOODEY , living in MOOI RIVER for making the effort to assist in Golforama , WELL DONE GENTLEMEN !!
John Elliott would like to thank each Nomad that gave their time once again ensuring the NATAL NOMADS continue to support the Sunshine tour while able to give back to golf development
Next golf development tournament @ Kloof CC 6 October the Allan Hill Trophy , Covid permitting