nasal polyps removal PDF nasal polyps removal PDF | Page 17

Cystic fibrosis This is a disorder that mainly affects the lungs, intestines, liver as well as pancreas. The main characteristic of this condition is the unusual transportation of sodium and calcium, the result of which is thick secretions. Young syndrome This is a rare ailment that consists of various syndromes. These syndromes include rhinosinusitis, bronchiectasis as well as diminished fertility. Although the affected person might have lungs that function normally, the mucus produced is thick. Allergic granulomatosis This rare condition normally starts off as a severe form of asthma. It affects the lungs, the gastrointestinal system, kidneys, skin and the heart. Nasal mastocytosis This disorder affects children and adults alike. It is a rare disorder caused by large numbers of mast cells in the body. Nasal polyps’ symptoms can be very irritating. This is why, if ever you experience some of the symptoms, it is important to get the correct diagnosis. Thereafter, early treatment is advised. 17