nasal polyps removal PDF nasal polyps removal PDF | Page 16

Apart from the early signs mentioned above, there are other symptoms that must be noted. These include: • A post nasal drip which gives the feeling that there is some mucus flowing down at the back of your throat. • Some people experience a change in their voices • Because the openings of the sinus will be blocked, one might start to experience facial pain. • Although this happens in very rare cases, at times, when the polyps are not attended to, they might begin to exert pressure on the nerves that are responsible for sending vision signals to the brain. As a result, the affected person might experience blurred vision on a frequent basis. ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS Nasal polyps are often associated with other conditions. Some of these conditions are mentioned below: Asthma According to statistics, on average, 30% of people who suffer from nasal polyps are asthmatic. Asthma is best defined as the inflammation of airways. Examples of symptoms associated with asthma include; wheezing, chest tightness, coughing and breathlessness. Sinusitis This condition comes about when the sinuses become inflamed as a result of factors such as infections and allergies. However, in most cases, this condition is caused by viral infections. Hay fever Hay fever is triggered by certain allergens such as dust and pollen 16