Nantucket Official Guide | Page 6

Forging aPaper Trail: Recycled Paper Printing Leads the Way in Sustainability Our Guidebook printer since 1996, Recycled Paper Printing, Inc. of Boston spearheaded the market demand for papers made from recycled waste paper, virtually transforming the paper and printing industry. In the early 1980’s, the company’s founder, Todd Truesdale, was a rainforest biologist in Borneo, Indonesia. Observing the rampant deforestation outside his research camp – decimating the rainforest to make way for palm oil plantations – he reconsidered his graduate school plans and returned home to establish Recycled Paper Printing, the world’s first sustainability-oriented printer. Truesdale, a Harvard University graduate, biologist, activist and environmentalist, remains at the helm, maintaining his deep commitment to environmental stewardship. Prior to the company’s creation in 1983, the few mills producing recycled papers in this country were reluctant to broadcast that information, perceiving “recycled” to be synonymous with “low quality.” However, dramatic changes had taken place in deinking and papermaking technology, and Truesdale was able to convince the mills that the market was indeed ripe for recycled papers. With the mantra: “Walk the walk and buy printing with an active conscience,” Truesdale and his team visited environmental organizations, schools and politicians to implore them to consider the planet when selecting a printer. His question is apt: “How can you ask people to protect open space, preserve the rainforests, and raise their children to be good citizens… when they 4 • 2016 Official Guide to Nantucket are helping to destroy it all by buying virgin papers which damage our environment?” Over the years, Recycled Paper Printing has successfully persuaded numerous businesses to cease being co-conspirators in destroying the environment and purchase recycled papers. Using their considerable expertise in the industry, the company has also assisted nearly a dozen states in writing procurement guidelines – making it possible for state, local and municipal agencies to buy recycled papers and materials printed on recycled papers – and attended numerous trade shows and association meetings, convincing corporations that their customers want them to behave as responsible corporate citizens. Utilizing vegetable-based inks, electricity credits from wind-energy, and common sense to minimize waste during planning and production, Recycled Paper Printing continues to be a leader in sustainabilityoriented printing. (Visit their website at As you scan the pages of our 2016-2017 Guidebook – one of their many sustainably-produced publications – take a moment to consider the ways in which you, too, can contribute to being a responsible steward of our fragile environment.