Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine May - Mother's Day Issue | Page 38
him to lead. That relationship is what lovey: I grew up in a two-parent
started my journey of submission and structure. I received, and still receive,
I didn’t even know it.
love and support from my father to this
If I’d had a daughter (I have a son), day. He is stern, loving and knows me to
I would want her to understand the a fault. Why wouldn’t I call the man I’ve
importance of knowing when to chosen to surrender to by that same title?
follow and when to lead. I’ve always My Sir protects me, loves me, and takes
found that black women have so much his time to truly understand the woman
power, so much influence; she can I am. He does not allow complacency,
literally make, break, or mend anyone and even disciplines righteously. That’s
she comes into contact with. Power Daddy.
does not always mean dominant;
understanding that you have the desire
to surrender, to make the choice to
submit, it is powerful. I feel we truly
have the power to complete a Black
King, but we have to humble ourselves
in order to do that. There’s nothing
that speaks “bad role model” in any of
Shakir: I know based on my
interactions with you and your Sir
(upper case is intentional), that you call
him Daddy…do you feel that women
who do that have the proverbial
“Daddy issues”, so to speak?
autumn: They may or may not, but it
when it all comes down to it, I really think
it is a genuine term of endearment. I don’t
think I’d say that there is a connection
between using that title and any issue
one who uses it has. It’s a preference.
Whether you believe or don’t believe
that these types of relationships can be
“for you”, that is not for me to decide,
nor am I here to convince you one way
or the other. As the women mentioned,
in their own words, submission and
motherhood can coexist for them.
Whether or not you feel you can allow
yourself the ability to surrender, and
do so while raising children, is purely a
personal choice.
frost: Yes, I call him Daddy, but not
because I have any Daddy issues. My
father has always been my Superman, I would, however, implore you to keep
that’s how I knew I needed a superhero an open mind. You’d be amazed at what’s
as a mate. My use of the title Daddy out there.
is more from Master’s Southern roots
and my fetish than anything else. Some
women may have the need to have that
roll filled if they grew up without one,
but I really can’t speak to that.