Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine May - Mother's Day Issue | Page 37
to take a step back from protecting myself
so much to see if he would protect me in
smaller things, like how I interacted with
people. As he continued to build that
During the course of a few days trust, I began to give Him control over my
before I wrote this article, I had a series income, my property, etc.
of conversations with three women, lovey: Everyone has a choice. In
and for the sake of keeping with relationship structure, be it egalitarian
protocol, I will refer to them by their or hierarchical, it all boils down to core
submissive names: lovey, autumn, and beliefs.
frost (the lower case is designation is society places a negative connotation on
intentional). Although the questions submission, resulting in it being taken as
I asked were quite extensive, I will a weakness or oppressed state of living
stick to the questions that serve to the within a relationship. On the contrary,
to those who take comfort in a mutual
baseline of this piece.
Shakir: How would you offer as a power exchange relationship, submission
rebuttal to those women who say that is a strength; submitting your will to one
they could never be submissive? That who can lead, guide, support and nurture
it would set a bad precedent for their while growing together is one of the most
beautiful things a person can experience
or witness.
frost: That’s totally fine, I’ve not
always been submissive throughout autumn: Honestly, I wouldn’t. I’d be
my life. It takes a lot of trust for me to like, “alright, boo, do you (lol)”. But if I
absolutely had to, I’d tell them the story
surrender all things to One.
of how I was the independent black
As far as being a role model for my woman who never needed help or wanted
daughter, I would say I am showing her anything from anyone. Never thought of
a working, loving relationship where myself as even being a housewife until I
he cares enough about us to make the met the last vanilla man I dated. He was
proper choices for our family. I had to seventeen years my senior, a true Southern
observe his ability to not only decide, Gentleman. Stern. He taught me so much
but for it to be a good choice. I first about myself and what I deserved as a
observed how He made choices about woman. And he had a way of making me
where we would eat based on my listen and understanding the importance
finicky palate (LOL), and then I began of the benefits of trusting a man like
within her rights to be exactly that, in
whatever form those womanly desires
take shape. In the grand scheme of it
all, that is what most of them do.