Why is Quality Food Impor tant?
It is good for your heart
Heart disease is a worldwide problem and the leading
cause of death throughout the Caribbean. The good news is
heart healthy food can help lower your blood pressure.
Because it is from nature
Along with helping in a weight loss diet, don’t
forget the ultimate bonus when you enjoy crisp
veggies and succulent fruit: You’re getting
disease-fighting nutrition with all that taste, too.
It increases your health resistance
A great number of symptoms, conditions, and
diseases are actually advanced stages of food
sensitivities, almost like an allergy that has a
time-released reaction. Organic, natural, nākd
foods can fortify your body and attempt to fight diseases.
Eating fast food, highly processed supermarket food, and cheap meal
replacements are almost guaranteed to leave you feeling the negative
effects of the food. There is a term that describes what happens to people
when you consume processed foods, "Stuffed yet starved." When you eat
cheap food even if it is 1000 calories, one hour later you will feel like you
have not eaten anything at all. Why is this? Empty calories is why. The
human brain does not recognise most food items when they become
altered or denatured.
The answer is Quality. When you upgrade the quality of your food,
amazing things start to happen. You become satisfied with fewer calories.
You have new energy. Sleep gets better. Your moods become levelled out.
Taking pride in what goes into your body is infectious. If you are a parent,
teaching your kids to value what they eat is a lifelong gift. Co-workers,
family and friends could all be influenced by the habit of caring about how
you shop, cook and even grow your food.