Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine Special Edition | Page 48

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Author Herman Hall

Born on Belvedere Estate , St . John ’ s , on April 26 , 1945 , Herman Hall received his early informal education at the Estate ’ s 18th century great house where Grenada ’ s revolutionary leader Julien Fédon once lived . Hall later attended St . John ’ s Anglican Primary School in Gouyave and the Grenada Boys ’ Secondary School ( GBSS ).
Upon graduating from the GBSS in 1965 , he joined the newly established St . John ’ s Christian Secondary School . Attending the School ’ s 55th Anniversary on Sunday , January 19 , 2020 , Hall realized he is the only surviving original teacher .
Arriving in NY in 1967 , he attended Brooklyn College and New York University . He soon found himself in New York-Caribbean organizations such as the Grenada Mutual Association , founded in Harlem in 1926 , and the West Indian-American Carnival Association . It was President Carlos Lezama and Hall who changed the organization ’ s name to the West Indian-American Day
Carnival Association ( WIADCA ). On January 2 , 1977 , EVERYBODY ’ S , the Caribbean-American magazine , was established by Herman Hall . His journalism career includes :
• 1970s , WLIB Radio – Commentator and a creator of WLIB ’ s Caribbean format .
• 1982 , recipient of a National Award in Journalism for international reporting on the death of Trinidad & Tobago ’ s Prime Minister Eric Williams and Bob Marley .
• 1982 , a correspondent in the White House Press Corps that accompanied President Ronald Reagan to Jamaica and Barbados .
• 1983 , consultant to ABC and CBS television networks during the invasion or rescue mission of Grenada by the U . S .
• 2009 & 2013 , accreditation to cover the inauguration and inauguration balls of President Barack Obama .