Mélange Accessibility for All Magazine July 2023 | Page 54

In the know with Angela Lynn

Deaf Insights

Deaf Insights

Deaf Insights

Deaf Insights

In the know with Angela Lynn

Deaf Insights

Deaf Insights

Deaf Insights

Deaf Insights

Deaf and Hard of

Hearing travelers

The truth that often surprises many hearing people is that Deaf people not only travel , but they do so independently and in groups . I vividly remember an encounter with a hearing woman who was amazed to learn that I am a Deaf international traveler that is comfortable to venture out alone or with companions . I am deeply grateful to my hearing parents for the incredible travel opportunities they provided , taking my hearing siblings and me to countless destinations around the globe .

For Deaf people , embarking on a journey can be an equally transformative adventure , brimming with unique experiences and opportunities for personal growth . In this article , we will explore the realm of Deaf and Hard of Hearing travels , shedding light on the positive aspects as well as the challenges they may face . Unfortunately , I currently lack sufficient information to delve into DeafBlind travels , but I hope to share insights on that topic in the near future .
Positive experiences
Many Deaf travelers have reported an increased sense of self-confidence and independence when they are abroad . They feel empowered to rely solely on their own skills and knowledge to navigate unfamiliar places . Here is a list of some of their positive experiences :
CULTURAL EXCHANGE AND CONNECTION : Deaf and Hard of Hearing travelers excel at connecting with people beyond their individual language barriers . Through sign language , they foster genuine cultural exchanges and establish meaningful connections with people from diverse backgrounds .
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