Dear Westwood residents , It is remarkable that we are already halfway through the month of November , with the end of the year in clear sight . It has been quite an eventful year in Westwood with many memorable milestones reached . Some of the most immediate that have been celebrated in 2017 are the 100th Anniversary for the Saint John ’ s African Methodist Church and the 60th anniversary of the Lebanon Baptist Church . Westwood ’ s ecumenical leaders have been instrumental in the growth and development of our town as a welcoming and inclusive community , and these two special milestones are testament to the enduring commitment toward that ideal . There have been others , including length of service milestones for several borough employees and various additional civic groups . In each case the common thread that weaves them all together is the incredible dedication to public service that each embrace , and the thousands of lives that have been affected in a positive way because of their efforts . The residents of Westwood are grateful for all their outstanding work .
We continue to demonstrate our commitment to infrastructure upgrades in the Borough as we are now in the final stages of completing a major gas line replacement project that has run from Mill Street along Third and Fourth Avenues all the way to the Emerson border at Lafayette and Forest Avenue . Following this project , we will replace a water service main line along Third Avenue to the bridge in front of the middle school . Upon completion , the roadways will be resurfaced . Although there have been some traffic pattern disruptions , it is important to stay focused on these improvements to maintain a safe and reliable distribution of our utilities .
Other initiatives undertaken in the borough have been traffic control and pedestrian safety awareness campaigns are nothing new . Westwood is a busy town with a great deal of vehicular traffic . Our pedestrian safety initiatives have been led by our police department through State and County awareness programs for many years . The data they compile is useful as they work to improve conditions and make our town safe . While enforcement can be challenging , it is an ongoing effort to educate both motorists and pedestrians on the shared responsibility and raise awareness for safety . Our rail crossing and intersection modernization project was several years in the making , acquiring funding and project planning . We worked with the State Department of Transportation , New Jersey Transit , the County of Bergen , and every major utility on the design and implementation of new traffic patterns , signalization timing patterns , new crosswalks and more that all contributed to a huge improvement for the safe routing of vehicles and also making our pedestrian crossings of our busiest roadways safer . Through our DPW and by working closely with the County Roads Department , we continuously upgrade crosswalks , ADA compliant ramps , and intersection access . With the creation of the senior Citizen Advisory Committee we were able to participate in new programs like “ Westwood for All Ages ” where our senior citizens engage in projects that identify deficiencies
John Birkner , Jr . Mayor
through their unique perspective . Over the past several years we have reviewed a number of locations where additional traffic control and traffic calming measures need to be implemented and we have been engaged with the New Jersey Department of Transportation and their EZ Ride program to partner with “ Safe Routes to School ” and the Westwood Regional School District to identify grant opportunities for those construction projects .
It should be noted that both Berkeley and Brookside Elementary Schools have received the Gold Award for programs . Such recognition goes a long way in moving our grant application to the top ofthe list in what are very competitive funding awards . Currently we are working with Street Smart NJ on a public awareness campaign . These include posted notices and handouts detailing safe practices such as utilizing proper cross walks , stopping for pedestrians , and staying off cell phones while driving .
November also brings us two holidays where we have the opportunity to give thanks . Veteran ’ s Day is a special day where we honor our service men and women that have sacrificed so much so that we may continue to enjoy our freedom , democracy , and the American ideals that we hold so dear . Please keep them in your prayers as we are forever grateful for their service . On Veteran ’ s Day , the Borough of Westwood held our annual ceremony honoring our veterans . As always it was truly rewarding to have so many of our Nation ’ s heroes assemble to be recognized for their service to our country and to than make themselves available to our students and residents to talk about their experiences in shaping the freedoms that we enjoy as Americans . They are our living history and I am proud that Westwood recognized their sacrifices in a fitting and meaningful way .
We also celebrate Thanksgiving . A time to reflect on all we have to be thankful for , to appreciate the goodness all around us , and to remember those less fortunate . If your means allow , please consider making a donation to alocal food pantry . This is the time of year that so many need a little extra help . If you would like to make a donation , items can be dropped off in the main lobby of the municipal building . If you are in need of assistance , our Social Services Department is located in the Westwood Municipal Complex at 101 Washington Ave . Stop by with your donations or call our Social Services Director Kathy Elgert at 201-664-7100 ext . 110 .
December is right around the corner and with it will be our “ Home for the Holidays ” parade , truly one of the very special events on the calendar each year that makes Westwood such a special place and serves as our “ official ” start to the holiday season . The annual “ Home for the Holidays ” parade and tree lighting that takes place on the first Saturday of December in downtown Westwood . The Home for the Holidays Parade becomes a great showcase for Westwood and all the terrific shops and restaurants as thousands of spectators from all over North Jersey descend upon our downtown .
Come out to join us as we welcome Santa to Westwood and officially kick off the Winter Holiday season on Saturday , Dec . 2 . I look forward to seeing you there .
2 NOVEMBER 2017 MyWestwood