Many searches have been made to know why, how and when it was built, but none of them answers these questions completely. In 1963, a teacher from University of Boston, helped by computers, analised the celestial bodys and discovered that the position of the rock has a perfect correlation with the seasonal position with the rise and set of sun and moon, similar to the methods used in the piramids. This and other researches brings the scientist to the idea that it was constructed with astronomical intends. The searches also tells that it's construction uses 6 rock with regular proportion, concept that would be only reached by Pitagoras many centuries later. These are a part of the facts that tells us that the people who did it, had a lot of mathematical bases and a vast knowledge of engineering.
One of the newest theorys is the dolerities and sarsens at Stonehenge produce a unique sound similar to a metallic bells. Because the sound would have carried long distances. Another theory says that the monument may have once been like a cemetery for the elite. The facts that hold this theory is that were found skeletal fragments of at least 63 individuals, with an equal proportion of men, women and children, the burials date from 3000BC, when the construction was getting started. A possible Incense bowl and a mace head were also found underneath, objects usually associated with the elite in ancient society. Other theory telled by the tourist guides of the area is that those people used tree trunks to take the stones from the original places to the millimetrically calculated Stonehenge places.
Even not knowing what is true and what is fake about this monument is it a fact that it represents the greatness of the technology of specie even 5000 years ago. Out there are a lot of other mysteries like the ones shown on this magazine, but it's true that this one shows the most of the capability of the men to make great things.