MyEnglewood September 2017 | Page 3


To All ,
On behalf of the Englewood Police Department I hope youand your family had an enjoyable summer . As the new school year begins , Iwould like to take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of safe driving especially around our schools . All motorists should be mindful of the increasedpedestrian activity andthe importance of stopping for pedestrians at intersections . We would ask you to remindyour children how important itis that they walkon the sidewalk , thatthey cross only at marked intersections and that they cross only “ on the green and not in between ” atintersection controlled by a traffic light . But , most importantly , that they follow the directions of their crossingguards .
Here are also afew happy reminders to help :
You might want to leave earlier to drop your child off at school due to the increase of cars on the roadway .
You might want to leave for work earlier due to the increase of cars on theroadway .
You might want to leave for work earlier due to frequent school bus stops .
Be prepared to stop when you seeabus in
front of you . Watch for flashing signals , which indicate reduced speeds due to the school day . Watch for kids waiting at bus stops . Andplease be mindful and respectful of the crossing guards . They are out there , rain or shine , in the hot or the cold to help ensure your child ( children ) arrive at both school and home safely .
Sincerely , Sergeant Robert M . Zimmerman O . I . C . Englewood Police Department Traffic Bureau

Health Department , Public Library partner with ARC Blood Services forsuccessful blood drive

Everytwo minutes , someone in the U . S . needs blood . Each August , blood donations decline due to fewer blood drives , school closings andpotential donors being on vacation . Asaresult , the American RedCross ( ARC ) experienced critical blood shortages .
In responsetothe shortage , the Englewood Health Department andPublic Librarypartnered with the ARC Blood Services to host ablooddriveonTuesday , Aug . 8 , at theLibrary . Therewere35donorsregisteredand 25 successful pintscollected . This means that75lives will be positively impactedorsaved by the drive . Itwas a very successful blood drivethatcontributedtothe emergencyrequest forblood .
Thegoal of the ARCistohavebloodavailable before it is needed . Afterblood is donated , it is processed , tested , stored and then distributed to hospitals . Thereis always aneed fordonations so hospitalscan restock supplies andsavelives . Blooddonorscan giveblood every56daysifeligible .
Donatingbloodisavery positiveexperiencefor many , both thedonor and recipient . Thankstoall thedonors forhelping save lives and improve health .
To learn moreabout hostingablood drive , donating or eligibility , visit ARCatredcross . org / give-blood .

Attention : Next quarterly due date for property taxes is Nov . 1

The next quarterly due date for property taxes is Nov . 1 . The final tax bills will be mailed in September .
The bill will have the November 2017 , February 2018 and May 2018 quarterly amounts due .
For your convenience , the Tax Collector ’ s
Office will extend its hours to 8 p . m . on Nov . 6 .
As always , the last day to pay toavoid interest charges is the 10th of the month .
Please remember if you would like a receipt for your tax payment the entire tax bill must be submitted at the time of payment or
your cancel check will be your receipt .
Also , the City of Englewood will be having the annual Tax Sale on Dec . 21 .
Any delinquencies after Nov . 11 , may be subject to the Tax Sale process .
Contact the Tax Collector at 201-871-6607 or jdemaio @ cityofenglewood . org .
MyEnglewood SEPTEMBER 2017 3