MyEnglewood April 2019 | Page 2

Mayor’s Message CITY INFO Elected Officials MAYOR Michael Wildes CITY COUNCIL Charles Cobb (At-Large Member) Cheryl Rosenberg (Ward 1) Michael D. Cohen (Ward 2) Katharine Glynn (Ward 3) Wayne Hamer (Ward 4) CITY HALL 2-10 North Van Brunt St. 201-871-6637 Phone Directory ADMINISTRATION 201-510-8206 CITY ASSESSOR 201-871-6622 CITY CLERK 201-510-8213 CITY MANAGER 201-510-8206 CODE ENFORCEMENT (BUILDING DEPT.) 201-871-6642 COMMUNITY SERVICES (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) 201-871-6664 ENGINEERING 201-569-7590 ENGLEWOOD LIBRAR 201-871-6668 FIRE DEPARTMENT 201-568-6301 FIRE PREVENTION 201-871-6693 FROM THE DESK OF MAYOR MICHAEL WILDES Nestled in the heart of Bergen Unlike many other towns in New County and yet only 10 miles from Jersey, we boast a unique set of Times Square, Englewood offers the destinations including bergen- best of both worlds — a charming PAC, a regional performing arts and inclusive town with unparal- destination, Englewood Hospital leled diversity and a bustling Down- and Medical Center, a major town center filled with excellent regional health center, Flat Rock restaurants, shops and much more. Brook Nature Center, a nature We’re a community on the move preserve minutes away from the and a place where residents lend George Washington Bridge, and their unique talents to the greater numerous houses of worship rep- good. resenting many different denomi- As Mayor of Englewood, I am nations, to name only a few. always working to move our com- In Englewood, we believe munity forward and encourage that local government has an Michael Wildes more residents to get involved and important role to play to ensure Mayor take a personal role in our city’s that our residents receive the future. Recently, we founded a resident Cultur- excellent services and the ample opportunities al Affairs Committee tasked with developing they deserve. We take great pride in being a new ideas and approaches to take advantage compassionate, caring city that takes care of of the rich cultural history in our community. its most vulnerable residents, celebrates its Comprised of renowned artists, faith leaders, diversity and encourages all residents to step community advocates, health and wellness forward and contribute by becoming involved experts and more, the Cultural Affairs Com- in public service. mittee is already making its mark on Engle- Walking around Englewood as I often do, wood and I look forward to the contributions I’m always struck by our community’s natural this diverse group makes in the next year. beauty, and by the incredible history in our Our city government is working to lever- neighborhoods. Our city was named for the age our assets more than ever, bringing new wonderful trees that make up our backbone, cultural, shopping, entertainment and housing and we’re working to live up to that legacy of opportunities to our diverse city every day. engagement and forward-thinking governance. HEALTH DEPARTMENT 201-568-3450 HOUSING AUTHORITY 201-871-3451 HOUSING & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 201-871-6692 ‘Walk and Move’ begins April 22 MAYOR’S OFFICE 201-871-6666 MUNICIPAL COURT 201-569-0255 PERSONNEL 201-871-6660 POLICE DEPT. (GENERAL) 201-568-2711 ADMINISTRATION 201-871-6401 TRAFFIC 201-871-6442 PUBLIC WORKS 201-568-3401 RECREATION DEPARTMENT 201-871-6550 TAX COLLECTOR 201-871-6607 ZONING OFFICER 201-871-6650 PHOTO/CITY OF ENGLEWOOD The Englewood Health Department and the Englewood Hospital will partner to provide a walking and exercise program this spring, starting April 22 and ending on June 14. This year’s program, called “Walk and Move,” will be an eight-week exercise program designed to have participants not only walk but also engage in physical activity. Every Monday and Friday at 6:30 p.m., participants will walk 1.5 miles around the track at Winton White Stadium and every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., participants will conduct yoga in the breezeway at MacKay Park with a certified instructor from the Englewood Hospital. The program is free and provides the opportunity to win prizes. For more information call Lismary Espinal at 201-568-3450, ext. 508. 2 APRIL 2019 MYENGLEWOOD