My School Rocks! 2014-04 Arlene Goldstein | Page 23

TEACHER TAKEAWAYS “Grandfather Tang’s Story” and appreciate the story and the watercolor illustrations, and we use tangrams to recreate shapes of the animal characters. STUDENT STORY MSR: What do you think your students would say about you? Stamper: I think they would say that my first and foremost goal is to encourage them to be creative, compassionate and goal-driven students who always try their very best. MSR: What makes Crown Point Elementary School a special place to teach? amper Pamela St Stamper: Our school is an excellent community because we all care. The staff members care about the students, parents and one another. We know who we are, we care about who we will become and we keep in touch even after our Crown Point experiences end. Mia, Fifth Grader MSR: What do you love most about Crown Point and why? Mia: I love all the teachers because they are always there for you, they make you feel comfortable in your classroom and when you need help they know. Also I like going to special classes like library, computer and art, and afterschool activities like Girls on the Run. MSR: What activities do you enjoy? Pamela Stamper teaches first grade now, but she’s taught every grade including college courses. Teaching inspires her every day, and reminds her that the next generation has endless possibilities. MSR: What made you want to become a teacher? Stamper: When I was in kindergarten, I would look up at the teacher and see her smiling. I thought, “I want to be like her because she’s always smiling!” MSR: How do you teach your favorite lesson? Stamper: My favorite lesson integrates math, art and literacy. We read the book Mia: My favorite activities are science experiments because I get a visualization of what I’m working on. I also enjoy reading because I can connect with the characters and my imagination is free. Also, I like working with a partner in math class. MSR: What is the best part of the day and why? Mia: The morning is the best, when I do my jobs and go on the CPES news. I also like lunchtime and physical activity, when I can spend time with my good friends, and I like to see my friends on the bus at dismissal, before I go home to do my homework. | My School Rocks! 23