My portfolio teaching practice 2 training | Page 6
particularly if you don´t know the mor their culture very well. The student
who is laughing may be embarrassed rather than amused. The student
you think is bored may in fact be paying serious attention.
How Will eye contact vary at different stages of a lesson or in different
types of lesson? The direct eye contact the teacher controlled the lesson.
In activities teacher student eye contact is necessary.
How can you use eye contact?
To ensure that the students have understood what they are supposed to
do and know what is going on. Puzzled expressions quickly tell you you
need to try again.
To indicate sho is to speak (usually accompanied by a nod) when calling
on one after the other to repeat a Word or sentence, or to make a
response, Using names can slow the pace of a practice activity and
pointing might be offensive.
To keep in touch with other students in the class or group when your are
dealing with an individual, perhaps when correcting. Your eyes can say to
them:You ´re involved in this too.
To signal top air or group to start, to stop or to hurry up. It can be far
less dominating than the voice.
To indicate, with an accompanying gesture, that groups are on the right
or wrong lines.
Together with a gesture (such as a shake of the head) to indicate that
something is incorrect, or to show that the students should try again.
When should you avoid eye contact?
During any activity that doesn’t demand teacher centred control, avoid ee
contact unless you are specifically asked for help or choose to join in.
Is there any point in encouraging the students to look at each
A student who has difficulty understanding is more likely to understand if
his or her eyes are on the speaker´s face than if they are on the ground.
When students ask questions, or help and correct each other, in pairwork
they should look at each other, you can encourage students to address
their remarks to each other. It is sometimes better tp get them to move
their chairs to make eye contact easier.