My portfolio teaching practice 2 training | Page 21

the information they need to evaluate their own level and progress by tests, tutorials and evaluation by the students. Tests It is often appropriate to give test at different stages in a course: In TP your students may be given placement test to assist the formation of groups of students at the same level, or a diagnostic test which is designed to tell you and the students what they do and don’t know at the beginning of a course. 8 Planning lessons Right from the start it is important that you think about and plan each of your lessons. In the early stages of TP, you will probably get a lot of help and guidance from your supervisor; but as you progress and become more independent you will have to make more decisions about what and how y us teach. You also need to learn how to design a scheme of work for a particular group of students, in which a series of lessons are linked to form a complete programmed. In this information we look at writing lesson plans, how you can get ready for lessons and steps you can take after the lesson to help you to improve future lessons. We also look at how to analyze student’s needs and plan a scheme of work. Lesson plans The writing of lesson plans has a number of important functions: An aid to planning Writing down that you expect the students to be able to do by the end of the lesson, and what you intend to do make that possible, helps you to think logically through the stages in relation to the time you have available. A working document Having something to refer to in the lesson helps keep you on target, although it should never prevent you from responding to the needs of the moment, if necessary. A record Suitably amended after the lesson, a lesson plan acts as a record of what the class has done and might form the basis for a future lesson plan with a similar class. In addition, in the TP situation the lesson plan can form the basis of discussion of the lesson with your supervisor. He or she may wish to look 19