reinforce the teacher ’ s superior relationship and inhibit the students ’ ability to work things out for themselves . The basic principle is that students learn more effectively if they are guided in such a way that they eventually correct themselves rather than if they are given the correct version of something straight away . The struggle to get it right also helps them understand why they were wrong . The main stages in the process are as follows :
The student must know something is not accurate The student must know where the error is The student must know wat kind of error it is Who corrects ? Self-correction
Always give the students the chance to correct themselves . If they are going to become more accurate they just learn to monitor themselves . You can aid self-correction by underlining errors and putting symbols in the appropriate place in the margin and / or giving appropriate page references in grammar books . The students correct as many errors as they can and submit the work for remarking . Before submitting the work , they can show it to another student for comments .
Student-student correction
If the student still can ’ t get it right , it ’ s probably because she doesn ’ t know how to . So , with a gestured , hold her attention and get another student to help out . Student-student correction must be done carefully . Not oh , no ¡ wrong again , Juan . You can give the students the opportunity to read and comment on each other ’ s work either before you see it or after you have indicated the errors .
Teacher correction
No matter how you have done the correction , get the student who made the error to say the correct version , if possible in its original contest . This is a vital part of any correction process . You can do this by gesture or saying something like ok , again . The whole thing . You must judge when students can ’ t correct their work by themselves and give them the correct version with an explanation if necessary . You can also note errors that are common to the group and prepare a remedial lesson for them .
Evaluation and testing
If you give ongoing feedback , and especially if you make the feedback procedure overt , you are going a long way in providing the students with