Importance of Theme “Giving feedback to students”
The theme “giving feedback to students” is important as it encourages
students’ educational development and ensures that students are able to receive
criticism on their work.
How to give detailed feedback on students’ work ?
Use technology to get more feedback comments to large-groups of students.
For example, give students a considerable quantity of generic feedback at the
point at which they submit their work for marking. Then use some of the time
you save (not now having to write similar comments about common mistakes
repeatedly on different students’ work) to give each student specific useful
feedback about their own particular work.
Use face-to-face contexts such as whole-class lectures to give students
feedback, bringing the additional dimensions of tone-of-voice, body language
and so on to bear on increasing students’ feeling that they have indeed got
detailed comments on at least some aspects of their work. Remember to
remind them that “this is feedback”.