We can exploit authentic material from a wide range of sources to present our target language .
The rules and structures students discover are often more valid , relevant and authentic than in a deductive approach , as they can be drawn from real use of English .
The action of discovery helps learners remember .
It reflects the acquisition process that children learn by , i . e . being in contact with the language and using it , then finding rules and applying them to new contexts .
This kind of task and the independence it fosters - is stimulating and motivating for many learners .
This approach naturally encourages more communication , as learners need to discuss language together .
We are able to respond better to the needs of our learners . For example , we can clearly see and address problems with understanding of a certain rule or item of lexis as learners go through the process of identifying and analyzing it .
We can support and encourage new learning styles and strategies . For example , this kind of approach is good to develop reflective learning and learning in groups , As can be seen , both approaches provide opportunities for learning and address the needs of different kinds of learners and learning contexts . Like almost all the decisions we make in the classroom , we must be guided by our learners ’ aims .
The inductive approach may be more attractive to us as teachers but does it support our students ’ learning fully ?
The deductive approach may be more controllable but does it give our learners the opportunity to develop their strategies and learning styles ?
And like many of our decisions regarding the way we teach , the best way forward may be to blend the two , guided by our aims and our understanding of our own learners . For example , it may be useful for a class to start with a deductive approach and then move on to a more inductive way of learning once they are used to analysis of the language and ways of describing it .