My Pinner News September 2013 | Page 42

Parking overhaul for Pinner’s streets bY The ?rst such CPZ was introduced into the borough some 20 years ago and this current review follows a stakeholder meeting in June. Caron Kemp In addition, the council is also looking at installing loading bays, business bays and pay and display facilities on the High Street. Pinner resident Laura Fulgoni hopes the changes will favour residents. “The council should install pay and display bays at the top half of the High Street and give half an hour free parking for everyone with residents of the borough getting a council parking card which lets them park thereafter at a reduced rate,” she said. And she is against any changes to the resident parking bays. “If they extend the CPZ then the parking problem will spill out onto a broader area. “If they introduced a Harrow parking card with reduced resident rates this would help all round.” But fellow resident Penny Cooper is worried about the impact charging for parking would have on local business. She said: “The council thinks it's going to make money, but in reality it means people will go out of town to superstores or shopping centres.” The ?ndings of the review will be presented to the Tra?c and Road Safety Advisory Panel in October and they will determine which measures are progressed to the ?nal stage statutory consultation. P inner’s parking problems are being reviewed by Harrow Council. Due to ?nancial cutbacks this is the ?nal time residents will have the opportunity to amend the area’s parking situation for ten years. Currently the village’s Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), known as Zone A, operates from Monday to Friday between 11am and 12pm. Under new proposals the area within the CPZ boundary would stretch out to Whittington Way, Cuckoo Hill Drive, Moss Lane and Pinner Hill Road. The hours of operation may also be extended. 42 To advertise your business call 07725 554 902