My Pinner News September 2013 | Page 41

Happy holidays or good to be home? Solicitor and Mediator JereMY gArsoN Jeremy Garson, solicitor and now mediator, o?ers his professional advice to Your Pinner News Readers too, do you cringe or add it straight to your shortlist?! what about travel insurance? Will it cover your adventure holiday or does your spirit of adventure take you only out on to the terrace cocktail bar? We’ve all seen insurance that appears to cover you for accidents only if you are sitting in your own home with the doors locked and get run over by out-of-control farm equipment. For holidays booked through travel agents as a ‘package’ you may have protection from ABTA or under the Package Travel Regulations. Consumer protection for independent bookings can be substantially more limited as there are many apparently unreasonable exclusions, e.g. for airlines, which are nevertheless enforceable. In either case, however, it may be possible to bring a claim through the County Court, most likely under the Small Claims Procedure, which now applies to such claims up to £10,000, and of course mediation may also be a way to resolve a dispute. Holidays are one aspect of life where it really can be worth asking an expert (travel agent) to package your trip rather than just heading for the Internet. Thank ?[H[??\?\???YH????]?[Y?[?????[?[ ??Y?H?]?[[??]\???B????X??]?X?\? [Y??Y?KZ?^\?\\????X?[?[?^\?Z[??\?[??KX?\??[??KY\??[?X[YYX?][????[??\????]8?&\?[???[^[??[??[??H?Y^H\??&]]???Y^\?[??]?[??\?HXZ??\??\?HYY]?[?\?????H??\?\[?[^K\??]][?8?$?[?X??Y[??HH?ZY\?^?\??[??X[?[????]Y??{? [?][H\Y\???Y^\?H?[?[?H??]?^H[?H?YH?????[?\??]?[ X???[[?][?[??\?[]?[??[??\??Y[???\?[?H[???[?\?][??]X^H???\?H[?\?^X?][????[?\?????Y?? ?X[?[?\????\?K?\??X?H[?]X[]H???? ??[?[?H????H?]?[X??] \[?[???H?\?]??Z\?[?H[?H?\????\??X?H\??\?Y [?HX^H?H]?H????YH??\??^K??]?[?H?X] ?]?[??HH[Z]?Z\?XX?[]N???][?H???HH???]?[?X[K????X?\??\?[HH[YK?]?[?H^K][?H[??Y??????X??[H\?\?[???][???[?\?????[??[?\?X?[\?H[?\??[??Y?H?\??Y\?XZ?\?H8?&?Y?{? X?[??[??x?&H[?[?\?][?\?\?K?Y?[?\??[?^\?8?&]ZY]??][??&H?]?\?]YX[??]ZY]?Y??H[?H\??]?Y [?H??\?H?\?\???]ZY]?Y??HH?\??[????X?[??\?Y?]?YH[?\??[????Y?H?XX?\?8?&?X\??x?&K???\?\?]?Y?8?&?Y?Y?x?&H\??X\??B???\?[^B???Y?\?\?H[?\??\?[?\???[ ??H MML ??? B??