realized
everything
was
the
same
again.
up
once
again.
He
waddled
his
way
over
to
So
once
again,
very
grumpy
he
wrecked
the
zoo
again.
What
Joe
didn’t
know
was
the
place
again.
Everything
he
had
that
he
was
being
set
up.
What
he
thought
touched
had
turned
chocolate
once
again.
would
just
be
another
normal
night
wasn’t.
It
was
a.m.
and
Joe
was
satisfied
with
The
workers
were
across
the
street
and
his
destruction,
and
returned
to
Pet
couldn’t
believe
what
they
were
Cemetery.
witnessing.
red
and
blue
penguin.
Joe
went
to
open
the
gate,
but
a
huge
net
fell
Morning
came,
and
the
zookeepers
were
expecting
everything
to
onto
him.
He
was
trapped.
The
net
turned
be
ok,
but
the
were
shocked
once
again.
into
chocolate,
but
he
still
couldn’t
get
out.
Everything
was
chocolate.
They
needed
The
zookeepers
came
over
and
were
to
figure
something
out.
It
was
late
amazed.
It
was
Joe,
just
red
and
blue.
They
afternoon,
and
everything
was
started
had
to
get
rid
of
him
for
sure
this
time.
to
melt,
but
it
was
just
a
mess.
They
They
went
and
got
a
needle,
and
put
Joe
spent
all
day
cleaning
the
chocolate
up.
down
once
again.
They
had
no
idea
how
The
animals
were
getting
very
hungry
Joe
had
come
back
though.
The
cops
came
and
it
was
just
a
chaotic
moment.
and
were
shocked.
Then
they
got
the
details
where
they
had
buried
Joe.
They
They
all
got
together
and
made
up
a
plan.
They
realized
that
since
this
was
explained
that
where
they
buried
Joe,
used
happening
at
night
that
something
had
to
to
be
a
cemetery,
where
beloved
pets
were
be
doing
this.
They
had
a
plan.
The
only
buried,
but
realized
they
came
back
to
life
way
to
get
into
the
zoo
was
the
front
gate,
evil,
and
just
left
that
area
alone
for
years.
where
Joe
had
been
going
in.
They
made
trap.
If
anything
would
touch
the
gate,
if
back,
and
took
him
to
a
safe
cemetery
would
trigger
a
net
to
come
down
and
where
they
know
he
would
rest
in
peace.
trap
anything
down
there.
Joe
the
penguin
will
forever
be
remembered.
Dusk
came,
and
furious
Joe
woke
After
all
this
mess,
the
cops
took
Joe