different,
instead
of
being
black
went
and
infected
all
the
animals,
which
and
white;
he
was
red
and
blue,
a
turned
them
into
chocolate.
It
didn’t
kill
zombie
penguin.
The
night
was
them
it
just
made
them
a
delicate
solid
still
young
for
Joe
and
he
went
off
piece
of
chocolate.
They
felt
the
same,
and
to
get
his
revenge.
The
first
place
could
even
still
move.
he
went
was
to
the
zoo,
where
he
was
abandoned.
Everybody
was
to
go
back
to
the
graveyard,
where
he
had
home,
and
all
the
animals
where
to
go
sleep
all
day,
so
he
wouldn’t
be
seen.
asleep,
they
didn’t
know
what
The
zookeepers
got
to
the
zoo,
and
could
was
about
to
happen.
not
believe
what
they
were
witnessing.
Everything
was
brown.
One
of
them
went
Joe
got
into
the
zoo
and
Morning
almost
came
and
Joe
had
when
he
opened
up
to
the
gate,
and
sniffed
it.
It
smelled
the
gate
it
started
good
so
he
took
apiece
off,
and
tasted
it.
It
to
turn
into
a
was
chocolate.
They
were
confused.
They
brownish
color.
He
didn’t
were
all
thinking
how
this
happened.
They
know
what
to
think
but
went
in
and
almost
everything
was
all
he
thought
was
that
it
covered
in
chocolate.
They
had
no
smelled
good,
so
he
tasted
it,
and
reasoning
why
everything
was
like
this.
it
was
chocolate.
Joe
was
While
they
were
standing
everything
confused.
He
went
on
and
he
there,
everything
started
melting,
there
figured
out
whatever
he
had
was
chocolate
everywhere.
It
was
a
crisis;
touched,
turned
into
they
called
the
cops
and
asked
what
just
chocolate.
It
was
unbelievable.
happened.
They
had
no
idea;
they
just
said
The
rabies
he
had
gotten
put
a
to
wait
it
out.
So
nighttime
came,
and
Joe
virus
in
him
to
turn
everything
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