My job-shadowing journal at Wien, Austria Austrian journal | Page 18
Global Education and European Teaching Strategies
From the year 1943 the Gymnasium Rahlgasse became a
Wehrmachtsnächtigungsheim, a place in which many soldiers of the
Third Reich sojourned because they had to move from the western
front to the eastern front, and Vienna was a stopover on their way.
That's why they needed a place to live. The former students were
taught in other schools. Bunk beds were set up in the classrooms of
the Rahlgasse, and on the lower ground floor a market shop was
set up where the soldiers could buy various food and cigarettes.
When the Russians conquered Vienna in 1945, the soldiers fled,
despite the command to continue fighting, and left their weapons
behind. The weapons had to be given to the Russians, and so the
schoolmate Miklos brought the weapons to a pile in Theobaldgasse.
Together, the school guard, teachers and students helped to rebuild
the schoolhouse. On July 5, 1945, lessons could be resumed.
Geography lesson
This lesson took place in the computer
room as the pupils were working on a
project about climate zones and
pinpointed to analyse global issues
related to Geography and this is the
reason why the teams focused on
different topics and were responsible to
pass on the knowledge to their
classmates. We found out that books
are completely free for all the students
and parents should only pay 20 Euros
a year for materials.
Talking to Ms. Helm about Geography
Sparking science projects
Sparkling Science is a research programme of sustainable lifestyles
of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF),
which started in 2007 and adopts an unconventional way in the
promotion of young scientists that is unique in Europe. Die Rahlgasse
carried out a project called “My life, My style, My future”, in which
pupils analysed their own lifestyles and those of other teenagers at
their schools and at an African twin school (Collège du Levant in
Cameroon). They explored the role of sustainable lifestyles in the
public discourse and in sustainability research and they checked
their own lifestyles on their aptitude for the future.