My first work boostmetabolism-1 (1) | Page 43

These aspects were categorized in terms of: exercise, lifestyle, and diet. And within each of these 3 categories were a total of 11 important, practical, and quite easy ways to boost metabolism. Now, indeed, it’s the time for action; for as they say, wisdom is the result of experience, not study! Obviously, of course, it was essential for us to understand this subject and how it relates to boosting metabolism. So in that light, study is invaluable. But now you’re equipped with the knowledge that you need. The next step – boosting your metabolism – is all up to you. Good luck, have fun, and enjoy your better, leaner healthier life! A Final Word: Common Metabolism-Boosting Myths The SparkDiet resource center has consulted fitness experts to find the 4 most prevalent myths concerning metabolism and metabolism-boosting. Since this book has been about reality and not myths, we didn’t cover any of them in the actual book. Yet, considering how common these myths are, it can indeed be useful for you to know them; and to know that they’re myths. That way, if you come across them in a magazine, at a fitness club, or just from the well-intentioned but misguided advice of a friend, you can confidently say (or at least just think): sorry, but that’s a myth; I’m not going to fall for that one! Myth #1: Diet Pills