As you may know, when insulin is released into the system, it promotes the
storage of fat; and some experts believe that it also pushes down
metabolic speed (which makes sense).
Therefore, the good kinds of carbohydrate to consume are those that are
high in fiber, and those from fruit and vegetable sources.
Why? Because these sources of carbohydrates don’t score high on the
glycemic index. In other words, they don’t cause a spike in insulin levels,
and therefore, they don’t promote fat storage.
We’ve come a long way! We now actually know more about the
metabolism, and how to increase metabolic speed, than most people; and
we’re therefore in a position to put that information to good use.
We’ve learned that the metabolism is a process and not an actual body
It harmonizes two essential bodily functions: converting food into cells/
tissues, and breaking cells down to provide energy. We learned that the
former process is known as anabolism, and the latter is catabolism.
Indeed, it’s this latter process that influences our ability to lose weight,
and to keep it from coming back!
Yet going beyond the biological basics, we also learned of 3 integrated
aspects of speeding up metabolism and losing weight.