People who eat throughout the day don’t tend to experience severe
hunger pangs, because they don’t reach that stage.
The second reason, and the one that you can probably guess based on your
understanding of metabolism, is that by eating throughout the day, you are
constantly keeping your metabolism in motion.
It’s kind of like having a generator run all the time; it will simply use more
electricity than if you powered it on 3 times a day.
Now, it goes without saying (but we should say it anyway just in case!) that
just because it’s good for metabolism-boosting to eat frequently, this
doesn’t mean that you can eat junk all day long!
Rather, if you choose to eat more frequently, then you’ll certainly need to
be very aware of what you eat; because you can easily exceed your
required amount of daily calories if you don’t keep an eye on this.
That’s why, if your plan is to follow the eat-more-to-burn-more approach,
then you should keep a food journal that notes what you eat (and drink of
course) throughout the day.
You should not merely know the calorie levels of what you eat, but you
should know the overall nutritional values, too.
For example, if you’re on target to eat 50 grams of protein per day, then
you want to make sure you reach this target and not exceed it (or come in
below it).
In other words, merely focusing on calories is only half of the job. You will
need to ensure that you’re eating enough protein, carbohydrates, fats (the
good unsaturated kind!), and the other vitamins and minerals that your
body needs in order to function at optimal levels.