Metabolically, you won’t be burning off extra calories. In fact, you can
actually gain weight by dramatically reducing your calorie intake!
The flipside of this, of course, is that you should consume a daily caloric
intake that is proportionate to your body size, type, and weight loss goals.
And then, once you determine the amount of calories that you need
(probably with the aid of a qualified nutritionist or fitness expert); you can
provide that to your body via healthy, efficient calories.
For example, if your body needs 1500 calories per day, and one slice of
double-fudge chocolate cake delivers a whopping 500 of those, then you
can see that eating just one of these slices will take up a full 1/3 rd of your
daily caloric needs; and that’s not good!
On the other hand, you can see that drinking a tasty fruit smoothy made
with yogurt and nuts can deliver half as many calories, but provide you
with essential nutrients, vitamins, and other elements that your body
needs to healthily do its work.
Eat More?
Fresh on the heels of the discussion on calories, it’s also helpful to note
that eating frequently throughout the day can be very good for boosting
metabolism. There are a couple of reasons for this.
The first reason is that people who tend to eat throughout the day do
considerably less snacking. As a result, they tend to avoid the potato chips
or candy bars that they might otherwise consume if they suddenly felt