My first Publication WIPED magazine | Page 9

SKIN DETOX Feeling stressed can cause our skin to be more sensitive and reactive. Our body produces a hormone called cortisol which causes our skin to be oilier. This can trigger acne, eczema or psoriasis flare ups. It can also aggravate existing skin conditions. According to dermatologist, Dr Michael Duggan, as well as breakouts and eczema, stress can also contribute to many illnesses like the flu and diarrhoea. Dr Duggan has given us some of the following suggestions in which any of them can help to detox and de-stress from a hard week. Baths Taking Time Out Supplements Herbal Tea Ashwagandha: a 2017 study showed a 44% decrease in stress levels after taking this supplement. Rhodiola: AKA Golden Root. This plant can boost energy and reduce stress and fatigue. Chamomile tea and green tea are the best herbal teas for reducing stress and improving sleep quality. ‘Sleep easy’ tea helps you get to sleep at night. If you’re a regular tea or coffee drinker, try switching to decaf after about 3pm to avoid increasing stress levels and to be able to get to sleep at night. Reading and listening to music can lift your mood and help you relax and unwind (just avoid angry or sad songs!) Taking a walk outside can also be very calming and healthy. Pillow Sprays The smell of lavender helps you sleep well. It’s a popular aromatherapy for relaxation. Studies show it can improve sleep quality. Simply spray it on your pillow or on your wrists before bed. Let us know your favourite way to detox. Twitter #wipedskindetox To relax in a nice hot bubble bath allows you to completely relax as well as relieving tension from your muscles. It hydrates skin and relaxes the body and the