My first Publication WebSite Proposal-TAQA MISR | Page 4
ArabNewTech | +201000411574 E | [email protected]
Your company WebSite
Project Specifications
Design: Website Structure Step 1
Design: Website Design Step 2
Development: Website Development Step 3
Development: upload Projct on Web Hosting, Step 4
Your company needs an online platform to engage with visitors and persuade them to
dobusiness with it. However, you won’t be able to accomplish these goals if your web-
site blends inwith all the other bland business sites your visitors are accustomed to
navigating away from.
Delivering Results
ArabNewTech’s web design services will deliver the following results for Your company :
A layout that catches the eye on computers, tablets, and mobile devices – All of our designs are based on a responsive framework,
which allows your site to adapt according to the device used to access it. This framework will ensure your site always displays just the way
you intended it to.
Painless website customization and maintenance A great website should be able to grow with the business it represents. We don’t
want you to be forced to hire a tech wizard every time you need to adjust your website, and you won’t have to because you’ll have a power-
ful content management system that’s easy to use – even without a lot of technical knowledge.
Here’s what ArabNewTech’s web developers will do to assure Your company meets its goals:
Develop a customized solution that delivers your desired functionality – All of our projects are specifically designed to meet your
unique requirements. Because we code everything by hand, we’ll give you exactly what you need – efficient and wrinkle-free without trying
to force things to fit.
Integrate the functionality without impairing website performance or aesthetics–Our developers obsess over how to make our
project fit within your existing structure, and this obsession informs every aspect of the development process. It pays off for you in the end,
when we’ll drop our feature into your website for a seamless upgrade.