My first Publication The Creative Space November 2019 | Page 7
“The strategic price
you set for your
offering must not
only attract buyers
in large numbers but
also help you to
retain them.”
-W. Chan Kim, co-
author of “Blue
Ocean Strategy,
Edition: How to
Market Space and
Make the
available on
4. Not sure of your “Value Proposition”-a.k.a., your ‘secret
sauce’- Have you done the “due diligence”?
Simply put, your value proposition/secret sauce describes the one
thing that YOU do that is better than anyone else in your industry.
You find that out by looking at the things you do well, as well as the
things your competition does well and measuring performance. The
other way is looking for the gaps/pain points in your neck of the
woods, and strategizing how you can fill those areas. Again, If you
find it and serve it faithfully and consistently, then the price is no
longer an issue.
In the end, if you're unwilling to face the pricing challenges head-
on, then you'll always be afraid of placing the required cost of
business on your goods and/or services.
Instead, you'll diminish your true value to your customer, who will
be unwilling to entertain your game of 'hide and go seek' pricing
version- and will grow tired of it and of YOU.
Links to help you with your pricing game