My first Publication Peer Pressure | Page 18


The issue that I made my block based off of is school shootings. I chose this issue because it's a problem that is occurring all over the United States. I wanted to bring an awareness to others since we have had many school shootings in our country, we've had at least 288 school shootings since January 1, 2009, ( This is a very important issue to me because I know that there are many people in this country who have been affected by school shootings. Another reason why this issue is very important to me is because I have had many friends who have been scared to attend school because they would be worried something bad would happen to them or the people around them. I have learned many things while I researching my topic for the first time. One thing that I learned is that we have had many school shootings in the United States because the shooters have had difficulties with peers, have been bullied at school or have been dealing with depression and suicide attempts, ( I used the information that I found by making a school and a gun targeting the school, I also put a target around the school.

In my artwork I wrote, "WE ARE NOT TARGETS" because schools are considered targets where they shoot. My message was conveyed clearly because I drew a gun and a target with a school in the middle, I also wrote the words, "WE ARE NOT TARGETS" clearly, which got my viewers thinking about school shootings. I think that my artwork made a positive impact on my viewers because it gets them thinking about school shootings. Another reason why I think that my artwork left a positive impact is because it brought them an awareness.

My still life expresses who I am because every object means something special to me. The Rubik's Cube in the center has a lot of meaning, I've been trying to complete it (1 year) and it's taking more time than I thought I was going to take. I haven't completed it because my family always messes it all up when I complete a step. The cube represents how I'm always trying to solve problems in the real world and in other settings. The pin that's overlapping on the cube is a pin from the Grand Canyon. I included the pin because I always go there with my family when we have the time to. Whenever I go to The Grand Canyon with my family I am always taking pictures. I actually really like to take pictures of nature and the scenery, it always calms me down. I included a pen in my still life because I am constantly writing things down. I've always written stories down and poetry when I have the time to, it has always helped me out and it's now a part of me. The watch on the bottom right is the watch that I have gotten when I was little, I was given this watch by my dad. He means a lot to me and he has shaped me into the person that I am today. I made my objects as accurate as I could have made them by using my pencil to measure the correct shapes and angles of all objects.