My first Publication Mind Illustrated | Page 31

There are various ways for treating anxiety. One of the most common ways is self-treatment. Self-treatment is when someone can manage this order at home without seeking professional supervision. This result for the anxiety episodes to be shorter or limit it occurrence. To begin, self- treatment starts by the patients trying to manger their stress levels. They try to keep themselves away from the pressure such as: deadlines, lists – to- do, and any form of obligations. Another way to reduce anxiety at home is through exercise. Relaxation exercises can help to reduce the symptoms as the trouble of breathing and the trouble of breathing. These relaxation techniques include exercises such as yoga, long baths, and breathing exercises. The second way for treating anxiety is through seeking professional help. This kind of treatments includes visiting a therapist and clinical supervision. The role of this kind of treatment is to alter any kind of harmful thoughts that will reduce the anxiety disorder. Through this kind of treatment people get the chance to manage their bodies and their cognitive thoughts. Furthermore, one of things that differentiate this kind of treatment is that the therapist will ask the patients to visit a support group. The support group will the patient to share their ideas and emotions with other patients which will result in them feeling less worried and endanger. Finally, the last kind of treatment is through medication. Medications helps to control some of the mental physical and mental symptoms that the other forms of treatment cannot achieve.