My first Publication Faces2020-Full | Page 17

0It was on a Friday at noon , when God asked Alan to walk the streets of Geylang , where YWAMSG had been operating for the past 3 years out of a zipper factory at Lorong 21 . Its owner , Richard Soh , was a dear friend , who welcomed us as partners in God ’ s mission . “ But my walk in Geylang was not about the poor and needy . It was about missing the momentum of God ,” Alan clarifies .

It was in the city of Varanasi where the Great I Am had initially altered his preoccupation with the drive of life . His intense focus on ministry , leadership , and performance had begun to sideline his attentiveness to the voice of God .
the Spiritual Warfare Network — under the leadership of Pastor Lawrence Khong .
God had impressed upon him Singapore ’ s redemptive gift . “ We are called to be a people who will refresh others , replenish their needs ( equip them ), and release them into God ’ s purposes . God ’ s gifts and callings lived out in humility will bring life , just like the Temple , which lived out in the right posture before Him , is a wonderful place of worship that hosts His presence . Otherwise , it becomes a place of separation and unwarranted distinction that gives a false impression of who God is .”
YWAMSG ’ s place in the fabric of God ’ s global cause is to be a bridge of friendship that serves to launch the Church of Singapore into missions . Trust and connectedness will create avenues that are particular to our apostolic calling , as we refrain from becoming everything to everyone . Alan shares , “ Not all in the mission need to be apostolic . But the very calling of our mission is apostolic . We are called to the frontiers , to start new things and do things in new ways . We need to embark on missions in God ’ s way , and not from our own cultural perspectives , especially if derived from a presumption that we know better . Our strength can become our weakness if we miss the heart of missions , which is to go , identify and listen . Instead , we will go , fix , and leave .”
There , Alan passed by a dying man twice , despite the prompting in his heart to stop . And on the 3rd time when he finally returned with resolve , the man had breathed his last . God ’ s resultant warning , “ Beware the momentum of life ,” heralded his firm conviction to heed the still small voice , which was now ushering him into the red-light district , whose daylight surroundings had eluded him in his busyness . As he walked , he expected the streets to be lined with scantily-clad girls and their men . But God opened his eyes to the normalcy of their everyday life . This newfound reality flooded his consciousness , and God cut a new path for the vision of YWAMSG that placed Geylang at the centre of our story . He showed Alan that this is to be our home . Then God called him to walk the City .
Christ has come to us . And with Him , the birth of grace and truth within us , that we may not simply be Christ-followers but bearers of His life . Greater things than this we will see ( John 1:50 ), greater works than these we will do ( John 14:12 ). And by His grace , greater imitators of Him we shall become . Redeemed , we cannot but be a part of His redemption plan . To know the final outcome — the Lamb victorious — is to proclaim it from the standpoint of faith .
Above Left : Averyl Aeria , one of the first local YWAMers .
Bottom : Alan Lim with Loren Cunningham exploring the islands around Singapore .
For 3 months , he traversed Singapore ’ s length and breadth as he prayed through the 32 housing estates . God revealed His intention to revisit the City , reignite the Church and send her people out into the nations . Alan already knew that Singapore was blessed to be a blessing , but it was only during a spiritual warfare meeting in 1993 at Elim Church , organised by Pastor Margaret Seaward and Lai Kheng Pousson , that he was invited into the company of others who were equally seized by Singapore as the Antioch of Asia . Once more , the Voice that could draw you into the end of days asked Alan if he was willing to serve Lai Kheng and His vision for the Nation . Alan ’ s yes marked the beginning of a missionary ’ s involvement with LoveSingapore — then known as