In her junior year, while cheering at the basketball game against Highland Estelle Robbins could not help but admire the Highland Pep Club. They had matching uniforms, organized cheers, and all sat in their own part of the student section. It was then and there that she decided she would like to start a Pep Club at East.
At the end of that school year she approached random people at lunch, many whom she had not spoken to before, explaining what Pep Club was, why they should join, and just spreading the word about it. Over the summer Estelle went to work. She fundraised, wrote the club bylaws, designed uniforms, planned the registration process, and everything else you need to do to create a legitimate club at East.
When registration rolled around at the beginning of the ‘18-’19 school year 150 people signed up. They all received custom uniforms with their names embroidered on them.
By the end of the School year 70 of the 150 original members were still active participants. Pep Club had been present and supportive at almost all home varsity sports events and arts performances.
“My main goal of this project was to create an inclusive place for people who don’t have a place,” said Estelle, when I asked her about her motivations in creating Pep Club.
Estelle wanted to build something that lasted. She founded and organized Pep Club single handedly, and created new leadership for next year who are “very excited for what is ahead and eager to make improvements, which is what it needs; lots of work.”
In founding Pep Club Estelle has bolstered school spirit and participation, and given students a place where they feel like they belong. This has made school a more positive and inviting environment, encouraging students to become more involved with school activities such as other clubs and sports teams. A study conducted by Purdue found that students who were more engaged with school activities earned more credits and had higher GPA’s compared to the rest of the student body. Pep Club has the potential to positively impact the success of East High students, and we have Estelle Robbins to thank.
Pep Club: A Place For Everyone.
"My main goal of this project was to create an inclusive place for people who don’t have a place."- Estelle Robbins
By: Abram Wilcox