My first Publication 1 | Page 6

Ahmad: good evening Joseph.

Joseph: good evening.

Ahmad: I would like to ask you about addiction.

Joseph: ooh.

Ahmad: if I asked you to define addiction, how would you do it?

Joseph: in my opinion, addiction is the reliance or desire to do a specific action that results in some sort of dopamine award.

Ahmad: then according to your definition, would you say that you have any addiction?

Joseph: yes. While I am not proud of it, I must admit that I am a smoking addict. I am also a gaming addict. I spend maybe 4 to 5 hours a day on my laptop playing one game or another.

Ahmad: have you ever felt that your addictions affects you academically?

Joseph: well, of course they do. Smoking doesn’t really have any negative effects on my education; however, mostly, I play in my spare time and make sure that I have finished all that is on me. Of course, this is not always true, but I truly feel that gaming does not affect my academics negatively.