My first Publication 1 | Page 4

Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración

“Llego La Hora Del Glamping: Un Estudio Del

Potencial Del Ecoturismo De Lujo En La Región De Tabio, Cundinamarca.”

This scholarly work analyzes the market of glamping in Colombia and the current opportunities for entrepreneurs interested in this type of accommodation. It concludes that the market is growing and that luxury amenities are very appreciated by customers. What I found interesting about this article is the fact that it utilizes other glampings as examples to evaluate the market. I used this article to analyze what other glampings were offering as to compare them with mine in terms of services, pricing and location. It helped guide me in the process of planning what my glamping was going to have and look like.

Semana. “Acampar Con Todas Las De La Ley. Así Es El

`Glamping´.” Acampar Con Todas Las De La Ley Así Es El Glamping,, 19 Dec. 2018.