My first Magazine | Page 3

Learning Objectives: • Summarize the importance of measuring marketing’s performance. • Determine which metrics to measure and how to use the information collected to create a solid assessment of marketing’s performance. • Relate recommendations, tips and action steps used to demonstrate marketing’s contribution to senior executives. 11:30 am Lunch (provided) 12:15 pm ISHMPR Annual Business Meeting 12:30 pm Bright Ideas Sharing Session 1:00 pm Break 1:15 pm Storytelling: Plot Your Way to More Powerful Content Reba Thompson, Director, Business Development, WriterGirl & Associates, Cincinnati, OH Once upon a time, before the printing press and the Internet, stories were how humans communicated the secrets of the universe to one another. Peoples’ minds are hard-wired and hungry for stories. Stories ignite emotions and stick with individuals long after the facts have faded away. During this two-part session, attendees will learn how to use storytelling in content marketing to increase engagement and response in their target audience. Analogies, anecdotes, case studies, human-sounding physician bios and honest patient stories can all bring branding to life and have an important place in this hurry-up, mobile-first, message-overkill world. Learning Objectives: • Develop a passion for storytelling. • Outline the important elements of storytelling and how to use them in content marketing. • Identify tips for inspiring audiences to engage more and take action. 2:15 pm Break 2:30 pm Storytelling: Plot Your Way to More Powerful Content (continued) Reba Thompson, Director, Business Development, WriterGirl & Associates, Cincinnati, OH 3:30 pm Adjournment Sponsors Program sponsored in part by Amperage Marketing & Fundraising and Coffey Communications. Amperage Marketing & Fundraising is proud to support the Iowa Society for Healthcare Marketing and Public Relations. At Amperage, we strive to make a positive impact on health care in the communities we serve. Our mission is to move the needle for our clients. We promise to connect and motivate your audience in measurable ways for electrifying results. Whether you need help with your branding efforts, digital strategy, content marketing or capital campaign, or if you need a Journey Map, 360-degree video or other specialized video for social media outlets, we know how to motivate your audience to take action. Our team of experienced marketing and fundraising professionals have moved the needle for hundreds of practices, hospitals, health care systems and specialty service lines in 22 states. The story of Coffey Communications is really the story of our clients and their health care marketing success. We collaborate with clients to create responsive websites, digital content, e-newsletters, SEO strategies, publications and more. Over the past 30-plus years, our health care-specific products and services have evolved with the marketplace and technology. One thing has not changed: Every day, we’re dedicated to providing our clients with outstanding quality, expertise and service.