My first Magazine | Page 13


Dear parents of IAA elementary students,

We have an exciting change to announce about our student assemblies!

We are going to be transitioning this year to a new way of showing off our students’ talents. We will do three assemblies this year, instead of the monthly assemblies we have had in years past. Now, the assemblies will focus on the presentation from the students- singing, acting, and showing what they know. We have decided to end the ‘Student of the month’ awards as we move to promoting students to be more intrinsically motivated, focusing on internal growth, rather than external rewards and prizes.

By making this change, we will see many benefits including:

* students working together with other grades

* more drama and arts in our presentations

* a shift in focus from prizes to collaboration and effort

* students will get a chance to shine on stage as a community

We hope that you will find our new format to be a fresh way to approach the successes of our students!

The schedule for assemblies this year will be as follows:

* Grades 5, 4, 3: October 13th

* Grades 2, 1, kindergarten: December 8th

* Grades Pre-K, Nursery 1, Nursery 2: March 16th


The Elementary team ♥