My first Magazine PSY 355 STUDY Exciting Results - STR 581 HELP Exciting Results - | Page 2
"conglomerates" refers to firms using the diversification strategy. • related constrained •
related linked •
global •
unrelated 9. The goal of the organization's
________ is to point the firm in the direction of where it would like to be in the years to
come. •
strategy •
mission •
culture •
vision 10.
A company that
seeks to increase its sales and profits through backward, forward, or horizontal
integration within the industry is said to be employing a(n) ________ growth strategy. •
target •
diversification •
intensive • integrative 11.
control requires making sure the company isn't overspending to achieve sales goals. The
key ratio to watch is ___________. •
stock turnover •
marketing expense-to-sales
cash flow return on investment • gross margin 12.
The recent joint ventures
formed by BP with Russian and Indian partners showed the importance of the ________
segment of the general environment that BP and other integrated oil firms have to
manage when contending with scarce resources. •
physical •
demographic •
global • political/legal 13. Many consumers are willing to pay $100 for a perfume
that contains $10 worth of scent because the perfume is from a well-known brand. What
kind of pricing is the company depending on? • image pricing •
pricing •
target pricing •
going-rate pricing 14.
Hilton Hotels customizes
rooms and lobbies according to location. Northeastern hotels are sleeker and more
cosmopolitan. Southwestern hotels are more rustic. This is an example of ________
segmentation. •
psychographic •
geographic • demographic •
A group of college graduates decides to start a business. Though they are
knowledgeable in various business domains, they are unable to arrive at a valuable
business idea. They decide to search for ideas in a structured manner. They meet and start
discussing everyone's ideas. Each idea is recorded and then the thoughts that come up in
relation to the ideas are written down and discussed. This process helps them to finalize a
business plan. What technique is used here? • mind mapping •
attribute listing •
forced relationship analysis •
reverse assumption analysis 16. The Enron
employee who reported the financial manipulations at the company to her superiors can
be considered to have engaged in__________. • managerial opportunism • an act of
courage •
vindictive disloyalty •
white-collar crime 17.
The differentiation
strategy can be effective in controlling the power of rivalry with existing competitors in
an industry because__________. • customers are loyal to brands that are differentiated in
meaningful ways • customers will seek out the lowest-cost product • the differentiation
strategy benefits from rivalry because it forces the firm to innovate • custom