My first Magazine project proposal (with format) | Page 7

Sofia Petraki, Political Scientist, MSc Logistics “What is the value of all this organisatory effort if the hardware is missing? I will make sure that adequate and sustainable equipment is present in the low resources environment of sub-saharan Africa. As alumnus of the MSc programme “Global Health - Disaster Medicine”, I know that creativity is important in providing the correct tools for the seminar to be successful. Of course, flexibility is needed, even when everything looks like a disaster. When in Africa, my role as a political scientist will be to study healthcare policies implemented and to recognise approaches to health issues in the administrative level.” Mariana Kapi, Biologist Security officer “Security comes always first! This is a life motto learned from my participation in the MSc programme “Global Health - Disaster Medicine” and I will make sure that everybody understands its meaning. The sub-saharan perils are many, but my job is to resolve any fear and make this experience unforgettable to every participant. A thorough preparation and a prediction of possible dangers will be my effort for this seminar. However, life is unpredictable. This is why being flexible and always having a plan will be my two commitments during the seminar in Tanzania. In the scientific level, as a biologist I will be able to study the unique nature of the country and assess its magic, as well as its dangers, in depth.” Iliana Koukia, Language and Literature Studies General assistant “Organising a seminar of this size takes definitely a huge effort. Intercultural communication is important and cultural sensitivity is a crucial factor that guarantees success in all levels. My background in humanitarian studies will highly contribute to applying a suitable approach when interacting with the local community. I will make sure that emphasis is given to education and its contribution in the evolution of society in countries of sub-saharan Africa. As a secretary in the MSc programme “Global Health - Disaster Medicine” for many years, I have gathered enough experience in organising previous versions of the seminar. This year, I commit towards the unhindered implementation of the seminar in the administrative level, so that every participant maximises their gain from it.” 7