My first Magazine Old cat behavior | Page 4

“ Where I spend my time really shows off my interests ”
“ Sometimes I want you to lead without asking ”
© Jonas Jurgella

“ Where I spend my time really shows off my interests ”

Again going back to their nature as territorial , predatory animals , where your cat spends her time really tell you about what she likes to be around , environmentally speaking .
Is the TV room ? Maybe your cat longs to be around more noise , sights and sounds . Especially for female cats , this could be a signal that they deeply desire to have a mate around for the social benefits .
How about the backyard ? I see this a lot with cats with boundless energy , the natural fitness types in feline form . Kittens will often develop a sense of play that yearns for the outdoors .
If you find your cat lazing about in the kitchen – well I think you know what that means !
There are a lot of little things to look for too . For cats hanging around a ball all the time , even without saying anything to you , he ’ s probably trying to signal playtime . Which leads us to our next point :

“ Sometimes I want you to lead without asking ”

Your cat is not the type of animal to dictate orders . He or she would much prefer that you just know what they ’ d like to do ... oftentimes to your own frustration from the communication gap .
Again , they have teenage brains in many ways .
The thing is , they see you as their owner , their caregiver , and indeed their leader . And in the animal hierarchy , the leader should generally know what the group desires .
I ’ m not the one who wrote the rules , just the messenger . My own cat frustrates me with this unspoken requirement as well !