My first Magazine Old cat behavior | Page 3

“ Even though I look like I ’ m fine on my own , I ’ m often lonely ”
“ I ’ m not mad at you , I just have aches and pains ”
© Jonas Jurgella

“ Even though I look like I ’ m fine on my own , I ’ m often lonely ”

And at times , incredibly lonely , wishing someone would just break the ice with me .
Cats have a tendency to be self-reliant . This goes back to their wild nature as predatory animals .
The thing is , cats also crave social situations at other times . They have this dual set of desires just like humans . But they have a hard time telling us of this fact due to different ways of thinking and behaving .
So if you ’ re walking down the hallway and your cat looks preoccupied , don ’ t take it as not wanting your attention . Call out his name , just to check in and see if he really wants to be left alone . Body language can be a false sign on its own without this check .

“ I ’ m not mad at you , I just have aches and pains ”

You would think that all that scurrying about , running , jumping up and down objects many times their own height , would lead to some heavy wear and tear on your cat ’ s ligaments and tendons .
And you ’ d be right . Though they are masters of the soft landing , simple physics dictates that things need to be repaired on the inside over time .
If your cat is acting out , screeching at you , or acting erratic in general , you really should know that you may not be the issue at all .
Cats are emotional beings just like we are . If someone bumped into roughly at the grocery store without apologizing , wouldn ’ t you be somewhat upset ?
Well , cats feel the same way when they take a harder than usual landing with the human parent in the vicinity , standing by without saying anything . They tend to snap out a bit , like an angry child . So know that you may not be the problem , it could just be a rough landing .