My first Magazine named Liberalism | Page 3



Geert Wilders is an Dutch politicus. He is a party leader of the PVV in the second room. PVV stands for party of the freedom. Geert Wilders was born on 6 september 1963 in Venlo. Geert Wilders is know as a fierce critic of the Islam. Furthermore he is famous for his expressed views regarding the European Union, the Euro, immigration and the freedom of speech.

I am against Geert Wilders, because he insults my faith and I don’t even agree with his statements he does.

Geert Wilders is a liberal man. Not only he is liberalism, but he has also a liberal party. The most people find that he is not good for The Netherlands, because he is against the multicultural society and he is against foreigners. Geert Wilders is anti-European Union and he offended the Turkish President of Turkey (Tayyip Erdoğan). Geert Wilders want a headscarf tax for the woman with a headscarf and that the holy book of the Islam become banned (The Koran).

My opinion about him is, I do not agree with Wilders, I am a muslim, I have a Turkish nationality and I find his statements unacceptable. He wants to ban the holy book of the Islam and I find that is dramatic. I hope he will not go on with this and I hope he will later regret it. I feel me offended by Wilders. I hope that he will treat everyone living in the Netherlands equally and that he offers his apologies for us.