My first Magazine May 2017 issue | Page 34


Mystery of Birthmarks

Every picture has it ' s own story .

Similarly every mole or mark on our body has it ' s own tale . Interesting ! isn ' t it ? We take life very casually , we don ' t observe , and just sail through life . Visible changes in life like the aging of our face and invisible changes like the subtle movement of the earth do not impact us until these the impact of these changes makes us uncomfortable in some or other form . Pain , be it physical or emotional halts us and makes us aware that we do need to make a choice . The impact of trauma is at times so great that it leaves an impact not only on our life but the progeny as well which is evident as birth marks on the new born child . Our psyche and our body are closed related . Marks on the psyche reciprocate marks on our body . The inability of a pregnant lady to develop �ight and �ight response in defence to a situation creates an impact on her mind which can be evident on the foetus .
Case study : Miss X , is 20 years old , beautiful with shinny black thick hair and dull eyes having birth marks on her back , corner of the left eye and right elbow and arm and left hip . I analysed the con�icts behind her condition using an integration of her landscape drawings , Luscher colour test and META-Health . Drawings h e l p u s t o a c c e s s t h e subconscious mind and reach to the �rst six years of a persons life . The Lüscher color test is a psychological test invented by Dr . Max Lüscher who believed that colour selections are guided in an unconscious manner , they reveal the person as they really are , not as they perceive themselves or would like to be perceived . META-Health is the science , practice and art of Body-Mind-Social Health with a focus on how speci�c stress triggers , emotions and beliefs affect speci�c organ symptoms
Miss X ' s , drawing and her choice of colours showed that she was extremely guarded and feeling very responsible for happiness and safety of her mother . She expressed that , she did not like living with her parents . According to her , her parents had internal con�icts and despite being unhappy and intolerant of each other , were pretending that their marriage was perfect . This made her wonder , why were they playing this dif�cult game with each other when it would have been easier for them to leave . She wanted and hoped that her parents would take responsibility for the damage they had in�icted on her and her brother . She was angry with her mother for giving birth her . She felt unloved and uncared for by her parents and they were unaware of her whereabouts on a daily basis . She also had feared for her mothers safety and felt obligated to protect her . Her state made me realise the intensity of her emotions which varied in spectrum from helplessness , hurt , anger , confusion to feeling emotionally disconnected and wanting complete freedom , to the extent of not wanting to exist . Her life felt meaningless , surrounded with mood swings ranging f ro m e x t r e m e a n g e r t o extreme need to belong in loving relationship .
Interrogation of her mother , Mrs .' Y ' revealed that during her pregnancy with Miss ' X ', she did not feel connected to anyone or anything . Mrs .' Y ' was a pampered child before m a r r i a g e , m a r i t a l responsibilities transformed her life ; the pampered feeling