7. Seventh Divine Way to
Attract Wealth is: “Daily
prayer”. Daily prayer even for
ve minutes is enough to
connect your inner SOUL.
Daily prayer calms down you
and recharges your soul with
positivity. If you don't know
how to pray then just pray
that is enough.
8. Eighth Playful Way to
Attract Wealth is: “Visualize
you dreams in awaken state”.
Visualization has a purely
playful way to attract wealth in
your life. More you play more
you achieve. Use an
instrumental music with it.
Visualize at-least 10 minutes
daily what you want, how you
want and how much you want.
Always try to use clear cut
images and other sensory
information. You can use
vision board to WIDEN your
visualization skill. You batter
know that where attention
goes energy ows.
9. Ninth Holly way to Attract
Wealth is: “Chanting shreem
brzee mantra”. Few so called
modern people never accept
the value of chanting of wealth
attracting mantra. Believe me
that chanting of SHREEM
BRZEE Mantra at-least 108
times daily makes your aura
more positive and magnetic
towards wealth and
abundance. So try this way for
40 days and see the magic.
in your path. You are a divine
being and you are here to play
your role. Never let down
anyone. You can never survive
alone at the Earth. You need
other human, trees, plants,
and many other things for your
support. Each and every
person of the world has
his/her own value. You might
not know how much afarmer
wworks hard to give you bread.
You might not know how much
sweat a drill man has shed to
give fuel to your vehicle. You
might be unaware about the
scares in dark night and cold in
winters a guard faces to give
you a secure sleep. Be humble
to everyone even every little
10. Tenth Valuable Way to
Attract Wealth is: “Give value
to other”. This is a great way to
stay away from your EGO. Your
ego is a world’s biggest hurdle
Sharat Kumar
Spiritual Scientist
Email : [email protected], [email protected]
Web : http://www.litairian.com
MAY 2017