Fouc thin
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Samuel Beckett folly - folly for to - for to - what is the word - folly from this - all this - folly from all this - given - folly given all this - seeing - folly seeing all this - this - what is the word - this this - this this here - all this this here -
This poem by Beckett gives a sense of stuttering . It illustrates the difficulty of finding the right words by making use of the difficulty itself . Beckett ’ s writing is a source of inspiration . It gives me confidence in finding a different way of writing this text . It encourages me to have patience and to use silence as well as words . folly given all this - seeing - folly seeing all this this here - for to - what is the word - see - glimpse - seem to glimpse - need to seem to glimpse - folly for to need to seem to glimpse - what - what is the word - and where - folly for to need to seem to glimpse what where - where - what is the word - there - over there - away over there - afar - afar away over there - afaint - afaint afar away over there what - what - what is the word - seeing all this - all this this - all this this here - folly for to see what - glimpse - seem to glimpse - need to seem to glimpse - afaint afar away over there what - folly for to need to seem to glimpse afaint afar away over there what - what - what is the word -